The future of Virginia Beach’s Rudee Loop

14 April 2023


Reimagining Rudy Loop after months of gathering feedback, Virginia Beach City leaders sat down today to go over the results of a survey asking residents what they want to see happen to the oceanfront space. More than 4000 people weighed in with their thoughts about proposed redevelopment in the area. The future of the 6.2 acre site site is so crucial because many Virginia Beach.

Residents say their main draw at the oceanfront or resort area is Rudy Loop. Filled with people and fishermen and surfers and joggers and the whole 9 yards, Sharon Lowe of Virginia Beach tells me she loves coming to Rudy Loops.


It is just so peaceful, so relaxing. Low enjoys this area so much, she says. She’s one of thousands of people who responded to a city survey about the future of this land.

We need to keep this space open, and it turns out many agree, with low results shown to City Council members Tuesday suggest an overwhelming need. For a pedestrian friendly environment in the resort area, 71% of people surveyed want green or open space at Rudy Loop, 83% say hotels or resorts don’t belong here. Kept hearing the word from the public. Iconic green space, parking, surfing, fishing, maybe some restrooms. But this is a great opportunity, an extraordinary opportunity for the citizens of Virginia Beach.

When it comes to the four proposals for reimagining this area, very little favor a mixed-use. Development or apartments. Meanwhile at 64% of people prefer this one by Virginia Beach Parks and Rec. It includes multiple large parks, a fishing pier, playground, food truck Plaza and skate park.

The future of Virginia Beach's Rudee Loop


But like if we had more like stuff like that to bring people down here, that’d be pretty cool.

Although a proposal for a multi use large park and surf Museum followed behind with 25% on board. But like, I feel like you got to keep the parking just because of the events that we have down here. Multiple council members say they envision increasing parking space there by way of a possible garage, but discussions about that and the redevelopment as a whole will carry on. Council members plan to hold a meeting just about Rudy Loop this summer.


In a meeting today, Vice Mayor Rosemary Wilson said she believes Rudy Loop could be a legacy project for the existing Council. She thinks its course could change Virginia Beach forever..

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